18 research outputs found

    Body of Knowledge for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPU) have emerged as a proven technology that enables high performance computing and parallel processing in a small form factor. GPUs enhance the traditional computer paradigm by permitting acceleration of complex mathematics and providing the capability to perform weighted calculations, such as those in artificial intelligence systems. Despite the performance enhancements provided by this type of microprocessor, there exist tradeoffs in regards to reliability and radiation susceptibility, which may impact mission success. This report provides an insight into GPU architecture and its potential applications in space and other similar markets. It also discusses reliability, qualification, and radiation considerations for testing GPUs

    Proton Testing of nVidia Jetson TX1

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    Single-Event Effects (SEE) testing was conducted on the nVidia Jetson TX1 System on Chip (SOC); herein referred to as device under test (DUT). Testing was conducted at Massachusetts General Hospitals (MGH) Francis H. Burr Proton Therapy Center on October 16th, 2016 using 200MeV protons. This testing trip was purposed to provide a baseline assessment of the radiation susceptibility of the DUT as no previous testing had been conducted on this component

    Double Data Rate (DDR) Memory Devices

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    This presentation will include information about Double Data Rate (DDR) technology, NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) tasks and their purpose, collaborations, a roadmap, NEPP partners, results to date, and future plans

    Micron MT29F128G08AJAAA 128GB Asynchronous Flash Memory Total Ionizing Dose Characterization Test Report

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    The purpose of this test was to characterize the Micron MT29F128G08AJAAAs parameter degradation for total dose response and to evaluate and compare lot date codes for sensitivity. In the test, the device was exposed to both low dose and high dose rate (HDR) irradiations using gamma radiation. Device parameters such as leakage currents, quantity of upset bits and overall chip and die health were investigated to determine which lot is more robust

    DDR Memories

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    This presentation will include information about Double Data Rate (DDR) technology, NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) tasks and their purpose, collaborations, a roadmap, NEPP partners, results to date, and future plans

    Graphics Processor Units (GPUs)

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    This presentation will include information about Graphics Processor Units (GPUs) technology, NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) tasks, The test setup, test parameter considerations, lessons learned, collaborations, a roadmap, NEPP partners, results to date, and future plans

    Standardizing Microprocessor and GPU Radiation Test Approaches

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    Microprocessor, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and DDRx memory devices have emerged as promising next-generation technologies that enables both high performance processing and acceleration of complex algorithms for the latest challenges in human spaceflight, autonomous vehicles and artificial intelligence (AI). The feature sets of these devices offer exponential increases to throughput, calculation capability and system autonomy when compared to legacy flight systems. NASA's Electronic Part and Packaging (NEPP) Program has conducted an investigation into the radiation susceptibility of leading edge devices and process technologies by establishing standardized test approaches. Unlike most discrete devices, these require state of the art test systems to induce specific hardware activity similar to application software, thus allowing the characterization of failure modes within the system. To best characterize the tested part, NEPP eliminates variables that may impact device performance under radiation. Simplification of remaining system-level variables leads to an improved understanding of complex computational devices and their intended applications. The failure modes and error signatures that are recorded during testing are used to determine radiation sensitivity of the semiconductor process and the microcode architecture of the design. This presentation will discuss the test methodology that NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) is working to establish for its microprocessor, GPU and DDRx memory test programs to provide guidance on these devices and their underlying technology, in regards to their potential usage in future space flight systems

    Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Devices

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    This presentation will include information about Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology, NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) tasks and their purpose, collaborations, a roadmap, NEPP partners, results to date, and future plans

    ISSI IS46DR16640B-25DBA25 DDR2 SDRAM Total Ionizing Dose Characterization Test Report

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    The purpose of this testing is to characterize the ISSI IS46DR16640B-25DBA25 parameter degradation for total dose response. This tests purpose is to evaluate and compare lot date codes for sensitivity. In the test, the device is exposed to both low dose and high dose rate (HDR) irradiations using gamma radiation. Device parameters such as leakage currents, quantity of upset bits or addresses, and overall chip and die health are investigated to determine which lot is more robust. These parameters directly affect the functionality of the memory within a system and may determine thresholds necessary to mitigate failure

    Guidance on Standardizing GPU Test Approaches

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    A standardized test method has been created to characterize and stress graphics processing units (GPU) during radiation effects testing